RP Forum 2024
August 5, 2024 - August 7, 2024
The Radiation Protection Forum will be held at the Intercontinental Kansas City at the Plaza in Kansas City, M0 August 5-7, 2024. NEI is expecting around 100 meeting attendees.
Hotel Reservation:
Group Rate: $174 (net).
Room Block: August 2-10.
The room rate will be available three days prior and three days after the meeting upon availability.
Reservations must be made by July 14, 2024. Group rates and availability are not guaranteed after this date.
Contact reservations directly at (816) 756-1500 or book using the link provided.
When booking your hotel reservations via the link, enter your desired dates and choose ‘Group Rate’ > NEI.
Book Now: HERE
Vendor Registration:
$2,800 per booth (includes 2 booth personnel).
$500 for each additional booth personnel.
Only one company per booth.
Booth location is first come, first served during set-up on August 5th.
RP-Forum Aug. 2024 NSA Vendor Registration
Complete the attached registration and credit card authorization and send to nsa@partinandassociates.com by July 10th, 2024.
Once your vendor registration payment is processed, you will receive a credit card receipt (if applicable) and confirmation invoice. You will be placed on the event communication list for schedule updates, meeting attendees, shipping instructions, etc.
Partin & Associates will be your meeting hosts on behalf of NSA. Please let us know if you have any questions or requests. We hope to see you in Kansas City!